I was really infuriated when I was reading the news that Malaysian students will not be allowed to take more than 10 subjects for SPM. To me, it is more of a shock rather than a welcome response. The sole reason give is that it will be easier to determine who should get the scholarship when assessing the requirement. I am totally stunned by this move. Why restricts people's wish to take as many subjects as they like? Isn't is just a matter of restricting people's freedom? Some people will feel more comfortable in taking an additional subject,outside their streamline. Take for an example,me.
I chose to do science stream because I felt that my secondary school practises(still practising it) favouritism. They allocate the best teachers to nurtures the students from science stream. I personally feel unfair. That's why I choose to study Science stream. Besides, my school did not allow any student to take combinations like 2 science subjects and one art subject. I hate it as this is my prefered choice of studying in my higher level secondary. Well, physics to me does not sound logical no matter how hard and piss off my friends try to convince me. In the end, I have no choice but to forgo my Friday afternoons to attend Accounting tuition. I like the teacher,Mr Bong. He is very nice and knowledgeable. Not to say that my previous tuition teacher is not good,it's just that I seem not able to answer in exams as effective in comparison. I think taking this additional subject adds variety to my course of learning. It is different and unique in its very own way.
Depriving student from learning more is not a way for the nation to progress you know!! In fact, it degrades the nation as a whole. Anyway, I am very disappointed to know that this policy has been approved by the government. Haihhh... I am utterly speechless now. (Head shaking)
4 weeks ago
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