if you know cantonese, have you heard of the word "cheh", i would stress again. the word is in cantonese. i don't know how to explain but to put it in a simple way, it means bad news that someone told you beforehand but you are not convinced by it. now i do. the news of the new zealand earthquake reported came as a shock to me... the element of surprise is somehow greater than sadness.
just a week ago, i have just enquired my mum about her whereabout because she apparently went out till very late. then she told me she went to watch religious processions. it happened that last week there is quite a number of processions going on in melaka especially at night. then my mum's friend, told me that this year the "kong kong" will need to come out and walk outside (literally meaning go out for procession) because there are some people who predicted in 2011, more disasters will happen and the amount casualties would be big in number. wow...when i first heard, i was like, "okay.....maybe something like floods or volcano eruptions.
there you go, when i was just partially believing, this week the earthquake in new zealand happened. i was like "wth". maybe i should start taking precaution as well. since i am broke anyway, i shall limit my travelling this year.
do you notice that the news is projecting the image of a ruined cathedral in christchurch that is partially damaged? that cathedral is the place i went inside last year. phew!!! what a relief to be snuggling cozily back in malaysia.
my heart goes to the victims' loved ones. i am never good with words when it comes to death and i think nobody is, but i do love one saying that the Islam believers always said, "maybe the god loves your beloved ones more" or another one i think is appropriate which the chinese constantly talked is " good people die young". okay people, if the chinese believes such a thing, maybe you shouldn't live so long. if not, you must be hell of a bad person. haha.... just joking, kinda bad to make jokes of the elderly.
enough of the disaster, back to the thing i wanna say. you see ar, nowadays hor, there is a lot of people who posted on their itu muka buku and said they are sad bla,bla,bla,bla. my question is , do you really feel sad ar? what if none of the victims are related to you. sorry if i insulted those who felt really sad about it, but are really all of you felt that sad? hmmmm....or just saying for the sake of saying...if you just express your condolences to the victims then i can understand lar, but to be sad, i have doubt about it.... enough of the constant update, i kinda get pissed off by those who tiba tiba say random, not funny, no meaning stuff on the dinding. keep to yourself, darlings. nobody wants to know EVERYTHING about you. if occasionally said some interesting and funny stuff, okay la. i would look forward to it. just keep reading these nonsense makes me feel that my time is wasted. =(
then, i would be going back sydney soon. looking forward to SUAMS!!! yeah! looking forward to graduate!!!! looking forward to learning new stuff. WHEE!!! but not looking forward to working life. it is kinda of a harsh reality slapping on my face when i see all my seniors working their asses off for that meagre income. at least, it somehow gives me the impression how bad it will be without getting a shock later on... okay, back to catching up my drama before the semester begins. you watch out, guys. me is coming to rock your world!