the irony of general fellow malaccans leaves me unimpressed. what are you doing? driving on the fast lane at tortoise pace. where goes the community spirit which encourages understanding and logic. driving in melaka puts my adrenaline to a high level.
been running errands like nobody's business. grocery,medicine and prayers stuff. then while surfing through my friend's new food blog, i chuckle when i saw the statement where blog will be updated every 1st and 15th of the month. if you go according to the chinese calendar, that will be the date my mum will specifically buy fruits and pray to my home altar. hence, the similarity lets me wonder why is the date chosen. i am quite certain he is not that pious. but i do know my friend is working hard on his food blog. personally, i am not a fan. give facey. reason being it only talks about melbourne food outlets. besides, i can't see the relevance to me. yes, the word "i" is very important nowadays. if the readers can see no relevance, your blog will be forgotten. considering his is one that aspires to be featured in food blog of the year,i think he has long way to go.
the thing i like is the joke section. short and funny. some have been read ages ago but for new reader, it will be worthwhile. i have no inspiration to join top blogger, i just want a medium of expression.
i feel a bit guilty for not liking the blog. because if i subject to liking it, i feel i am not honest. for compensation, i have listed the blog under my blog list. take a look if you are/will be in melbourne for a food adventure. ohhh, my friend will be undergoing an european trip as well. catch him at drew's travel foodprints. alas, ciao.
blogger feels that he is being very critical to other blogger as he believes if you want to start something, make sure it is done good, or else, don't do it.
4 weeks ago
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