i am loving 2012. first, my haircut rocks! i dun care what you say. i care if you ~lurve~ it. if not, i don't. but i guess this will be your first and last time viewing it. because my mum nagged a little. she mentioned the next time i should be more moderate. how to be more moderate? there is moderate and rock. if there is a gap between moderate and rock, i would settle for rock. in my humble opinion, she dislikes the pakua design but likes the haircut in general. okay, at least i get to maintain it. overall, i have mix reviews. some say they cannot imagine me having this hair design because i do not have the look (cousin + aunt). my friends said (nice, PAI KIA, cool and too complicated) the WORST is speechless until she has nothing to comment. but my neighbour auntie like it leh. she said very "sat" (hokkien). *bow. i can imagine my friend's shock face when i showed him my photo. he has no idea i am daring enough to carry this hairstyle. aiya, this is nothing. when it comes to haircut, i am willing to go the distance. i show this particular friend my hair because last time, he used to carved a line on his hair and i commented, "nice but i have already done it WITH ZIG ZAG design". haha. take that! he was laughing hysterically, i wonder whether it was disbelief or admiration of bravery.
second of all, i will be travelling to taipei. i like the idea of going to taipei because one, i get to taste all the snacks and night market foods. second, eat all the foods. third, food. yeah, i think the third reason sums it all. currency change done. ticket checked. bus ticket bought. thing left to do: prepare my stomach. been expanding it like a spring ever since i came back. my neighbour spotted the difference within 2 weeks i am back. oh no! time to get some exercises= resolution no. 1. i love jogging in sydney. it has a trek which i found months before i came back to malaysia. nvm, time to find another trek. i like the trek as there are dogs running and walking around it. then, you are jogging beside a harbour where ships are being anchored. and you can watch the sun setting. perfect. wonderful memory.
oh my second resolution is being optimistic.i read an article that being optimistic brings the different perspective to life. i think nothing bad by being optimistic.
blogger thinks the second resolution will be easier to accomplish than the first one. the rest of resolution comes as time passes. it is just too early to dictate what they are when you still have 11 months and 28 days to go.
4 weeks ago
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