with so much information to be screened through, at times human tends to browse through them very quickly. is this the right way of executing? the columnist in the star mentioned that with the digital age happening at such a rampant pace, do we somehow miss something that is really important even without us really realising it. i would like to say no but sadly yes. young people as claimed by the columnist are always in the rush for answers. they do not care how to get there but want to know what is there ASAP. hmmm.... i can't proudly say i am not one of the foolish young people because i was young once. when a teacher told me, slowly, chee seng. you will get the answer someday. the blood running through my body is hot i feel like talking back but i calm down and go through the daunting process of getting the know how. true enough, i learnt my mistake.
back to this digital age, so many journals can be researched on these days. pick a topic and google it. the chance of not finding anything is zero unless you are typing some alien language that nobody understand. i am happy to know that at least internet user has the capacity to learn but at what price? transparency? reliability? or bias? every writer has its own agenda. if one doesn't have one, the article wouldn't be interesting at all. couple with a fast paced lifestyle, it is an acceptable fact for every decision maker to want summary of the facts presented but is summary good enough? perhaps yes depending on the motive of the provider.
i hope we are not so bounded by so much info. part of me wish that i don't have to be borned in this generation. i just want the simple newspapers and my cup of coffee at the kopitiam. and i would want it to be black please: simple, easy and classic.
4 weeks ago
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