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Wednesday, 9 November 2011

childish or childlike

the fact that i was living next to a nursery is splendid. at times, i watch kids playing happily, laughing all the while. i wonder when do i start growing up that i forget to laugh. wait, i did not forget to laugh. i forget it just requires a simple reason to laugh.

take the kids for instance, one boy was holding a bucket of water. suddenly, he throw the water straight on the friend's face. just when i was waiting for a reaction, another friend did the same. i wanted to laugh but i stopped   . the victim's reaction was even more surprised. he shouted and laughed. HAHA. i was smiling all the way seeing that children really have no hidden intention and holds no grudge. they just laugh.

it takes me a while to think when i start forgetting to laugh over this such simple stuff. of course, i would be a little surprise if friends do that, but part of me knows that they are just too proper to act in such a way. perhaps, adults lose the fun when they grow up. ohhh kids. they just made my day there.

blogger thinks that perhaps children should rule the world. wars can be avoided for sure because everyone will be busy laughing.

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