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Sunday 23 October 2011

health is part of our lives

a casual evening demands me to go for a read at the health's section. it is crucial that everyone takes care of oneself. the reason is nobody is going to take care of you other than yourself. you can brush it off by saying you have a family member who will take care of that but it is better to be independent. afterall, it just takes a few simple changes.

the topic is food that is beneficial to your body. and i thought i have been smart when i started eating celery. celery used to be one of the not-to-eat list of food. it tasted a bit bitter and like medicine. then, i took notice when a writer said that celery is good for the body. i have forgotten for what reason, but i begin eating it until it becomes part of my favourites now. then, last week, i read the times magazine. it covers the whole section about food by one DR OZ. you know who is him? he is very famous in australia for having a talk show. i watched it once and it is really informative. he doesn't try to sell you any product but encourage the viewers to use natural remedy. one thing i learn for men is if you want to get rid of smelly feet, soak your feet in the pail of water with tea bags. according to him, this will draw moisture out of your feet and thus you will not sweat the following! logical and useful, isn't it? but being a cheapo, who wants to waste the tea bags, i will rather wash my socks more frequently.

ohhh, back to the article. there is this particular section which i hate. it states there broccoli is a must have vege in your life. wth? of all the veges in the world. some say it is very sweet. huh? is my sense of taste gone haywire or i am hallucinating while biting the hard and tasteless vege? according to DR OZ, it is believed that broccoli strengthens the liver and helps the detoxification system. besides, fibrous content in broccoli helps you to stay full longer without the need to chew more food later. noted! it is time to change my diet. the first thing is to go to coles supermarket and snap the vege. any idea how to cook it?

i found this quote in my blue wall and would like to share it here. i find the saying is true but i question whether the dalai lama really speaks in such a way.

blogger wishing everyone good health. eat more broccoli. off to oink oink session. 

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