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Saturday 8 October 2011 is live!

a jog with a friend turned out to be more fruitful than i thought. the normal anticipation would be able to sweat and have a chat with my friend. little did i know i was offered a free ticket to attend....... oppss. let the photos do the talking.
entrance and cheeky class =)

they are so thoughtful. kiddie knives

so many sauces just for a bread.
must try this! awesome

sparkling jucies
cheeky food class
 it was such an eventful day. it was sunny. the bus driver was kind enough to point us towards the venue. at first, i din know such an event exist in masterchef. it is called masterchef live. everyone is able to get into the event by purchasing a ticket (i got it for free, mucho gracias). the event has a lot of food and drink tasting. i tasted bread, wine, sparkling juice, pizza, pies and lots lots more. by the time, i finished tasting, i literally skipped lunch all the way. i also signed up for a cooking lesson with cheeky food class. photos were taken but it is still with my friend. will update on you soon. it was really cool.

i get to eat,drink and learn. i told my friend, "this is must be my event of the month". just when i thought my weekend is going for a boring watch videos and dramas one. this masterchef live took my breath away. one more reason for loving sydney *wink. ohhh yea, maggie, you saw that pic of maggie beer. the sparkling juice is awesome. i tried the sparkling ruby chardonnay. highly recommended. i din know maggie beer is actually a person's name.

blogger signing off. till i get hold onto the pics of me while cooking. till then, adios amigos.


  1. masterchef argh!! so can i spot u on their tv or website now? and i like the song, power station rocks!

  2. no la, it is just like a public event where everyone can go. no tv or camera one. dun worry. i won't get famous in that way. haha. i also like power station. their voice is very distinctive.


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